签证官:Why do you go to America?
我:I have 3 things. First, I'm gonna golf with my friend and visit him in Dallas. Second, I'm going to NY State to watch him playing a game. Finally, I shall visit another two friends in NYC. And these are the invitation letters.(我把2个邀请信递入窗口)
签证官:What do you do?
我:I'm working with XXXX as XXXX. I have 2 employee cards and one of them is issued by Foreign Ministry.(递入窗口)I also have a guarantee letter written by my boss. You wanna see?
签证官:That won't be neccesary.(之后,签证官敲了几秒钟键盘)Have a good trip in America!(拿出绿色邮政回执,递给我)
我:Thanks! Bye!